Soul Fire

Soul Fire Road

There is a fire burning deep within her soul
Yearnings which fan across her life

She longs to be held by the hands that will hold her forever
To feel the warmth of that embrace
To feel the safety & security in that space

She longs to lock hands with those that will hold her forever
To start building that life together
To braid the three chord tether

Unsure what lies along the path unwinding
The soul fire burns as she waits

She rests in the hands that have always held her
Hands that will hold her for all of her life
Hands scarred by love and sacrifice

She walks forward with a passion burning in her soul
Passion for the one who holds her
Passion to keep pressing forward

There is a yearning to prepare her life now
For the life that is to come

She asks to be refined by the fire burning deep beyond her soul
To become the best she can be
To fully trust beyond what she can see

She sifts through layers of emotion and lingering scars from the past
To prepare her heart for further shaping
To embrace every facet of her being

Leaning into the hands that have always held her
Hoping her soul’s fire will shine His light

She longs to be held by the hands that would hold her forever
She pauses and looks all around
She exhales, her longing had been found.


the beginning - expressing the fiery emotion in the sunset sky.
painted with “Your Glory / Nothing But the Blood” on repeat

when I should have stopped painting, but I wanted to add more layers (because I thought it needed more layers at the time)

how the first iteration ended - darker and moodier than I envisioned, but I do like the extra emotion captured in the colors lacing the road

round two - progress pic. The sky is lighter than the first painting because the intensity of the emotion was transferred into the colors on the first painting (if I had stopped before adding more layers)

note to self - don’t judge your painting based on indoor lighting, especially at night…. I like it much better in the outdoor, daylight!

round two - the final piece! I definitely need to work on depth and perspective with layers of trees, but this turned out how I envisioned. I may play around with additional iterations for fun :)