Peace and Heaviness

I feel a heaviness
The weight of what I know comes next.
Accompanied by peace
His calming presence, which I know will not cease.

I hear His voice
Calling me forward, but I have to make the choice. 
The road ahead is daunting
Other paths lead to a future that is haunting.

It’s the starting
The hard first step, it stops me from departing.
To willingly walk away
From the love I always dreamt of having one day.

This faith is hard
Lord, be my strength, my heart I beg you to guard.
I see the good
I want to listen, not just because I know I should.

I trust His hand
I know He will lead me to the promised land. 
He will be my comfort
Oh Lord, please help me to not fall short

I feel a heaviness
The weight of what I know comes next.
Accompanied by peace
His calming presence, which I know will not cease.
