Poem & Story Sharing

In April, I had the opportunity to share a bit of my story and a poem I wrote, at my church’s worship night.

Written at the end of December as I returned to Atlanta, the poem is a reflection on who I was then, in light of how I have grown and changed. I am more whole now. I’ve learned to give myself grace, love myself, and how to walk in joy instead of chasing happiness. It has been a journey, but I am grateful for each step from then to now and how it is continuing to fold. Even the hard and messy parts—I don’t love enduring those, but I can seen the shaping and growth which results.

I’m especially grateful for the people God has used to encourage, love, and guide me over the years. 💕

( I speak about the 51 minute mark )
Read the poem: https://www.sweetcbaking.com/collective/cityofroots